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The GE Voluson E6 ultrasound machine is one of the best 4D ultrasound machines for sale today. It has outstanding image quality, and premium 4D imaging that is unparalleled in the market.

The Voluson E6 is part of GE’s Expert series of 4D Voluson ultrasound machines. It is one of two premium advanced-user GE Voluson E-series of 4D ultrasound machines for women’s health. It also has an excellent ergonomic design with floating keyboard and articulating 19″ HD LCD screen.

The used GE Voluson E6 is an excellent 4D imaging machine, and more budget-friendly than the premium Voluson E8 Expert 4D ultrasound system.

19’’ LCD monitor on articulating arm
10.4” touchscreen
3 Active Probe Ports
Floating Keyboard: Interactive back-lighting
Beta-View CrossXBeam
Virtual Convex
ATO [Automatic Tissue Optimization]
Coded Harmonic Imaging
High Resolution Zoom
Inversion Real-time automatic Doppler
OB/GYN, Vasc. Cardiac, Abd, Small-Parts, Urology, Ped, Ortho, Neuro reporting
Multigestational Calculations
HPRF [High Pulse Repetition Frequency]
SonoVCAD [Matrix array volume technology]
TruScan [On-board archive]
VCI [Volume Contrast Imaging]
SonoAVCfollicle  [Sonography-based Automated Volume Count follicle]
SonoVCADheart [Sonography-based Volume Computer Aided Display]
TUI [Tomographic Ultrasound Imaging]
CE [Coded Excitation]
XTD Extended View
SRI III [Speckle reduction imaging]
CRI [Compound Resolution Imaging]
Ethernet port
Video Out
6 USB ports
Integrated HDD (160 GB)